This page (revision-71) was last changed on 31-Dec-2022 14:45 by Juan Pablo 

This page was created on 28-Nov-2018 19:36 by Juan Pablo

Only authorized users are allowed to rename pages.

Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages.

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
71 31-Dec-2022 14:45 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous remove unneeded trailing }]
70 12-Aug-2022 15:00 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last fix sublist position
69 05-Aug-2022 09:47 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last Link to relevant JIRA issues
68 03-Aug-2022 21:02 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last Include link to CsrfProtection tag
67 03-Aug-2022 16:43 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last csrf: note on customized templates
66 02-Aug-2022 21:31 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last JSPWiki 2.11.3 - Released on 02/08/2022
65 30-Jul-2022 12:56 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.3 changelog
64 05-Apr-2022 20:33 16 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.3 initial changelog
63 24-Feb-2022 22:30 16 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.2 release
62 21-Feb-2022 22:06 16 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.2 curated changelog
61 18-Dec-2021 14:28 15 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last Preparing 2.11.1 release

Difference between version and

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!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M1 - yet to be released
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!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.3 - Released on 02/08/2022
* __[Engine Lifecycle Extensions|HowToWriteAnEngineLifecycleExtension]__
* [JSPWIKI-802|] - __[Markdown support|Markdown Support] improvements__
** Plain editor now understands different wiki syntaxes, with initial support for Markdown
** {{[|]}} to convert from JSPWiki syntax to markdown
* [JSPWIKI-1075|] - __New {{CsrfProtectionFilter}} to protect POST requests from CSRF attacks__
** {{}} gains new {{String antiCsrfToken()}} method
** __Custom templates must ensure that all {{<form>}} elements and the {{commonheader.jsp}} file contain a {{[<wiki:CsrfProtection/>|CsrfProtectionTag]}} custom tag (like [this|] and [this|])__
* [JSPWIKI-1171|] - Ensure Lucene indexes all pages and attachments, even when they don't fit in the cache
* Fixed logout modal dialog not showing up
* Add default application name on {{<title>}} elements to templates' templates, and {{Main}} as default frontpage is none is defined on default template
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.2.0
** JUnit to 5.9.0
** HSQLDB to 2.7.0
** Log4J to 2.18.0
** Lucene to 8.11.2
** Mockito to 4.6.1
** Selenide to 6.6.6
** Tika to 2.4.1
** Tomcat to 9.0.65
** XStream to 1.4.19
* __Security Fixes__
** [CVE-2022-27166]
** [CVE-2022-28730]
** __[CVE-2022-28731]__
** [CVE-2022-28732]
** __[CVE-2022-34158]__
* __Devs only__
** JSPWiki memory footprint can be established by running {{mvn test -Dtest=MemoryProfiling}} on the {{jspwiki-main}} module
** {{TestEngine#shutdown}} now cleans cache, wiki pages dir and their associated attachments, if any. This allows cleaning up a handful of tests
** {{TestEngine#emptyWikiDir}} deletes both page and attachment directories
** {{TestEngine}} is able to not clean up directories / ensure they have unique names if {{jspwiki.test.disable-clean-props}} wiki property is set to {{true}}
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.2 - Released on 24/02/2022
* [JSPWIKI-802|] - [Markdown support|Markdown Support] improvements
** Added support for WYSIWYG editor
** Added [Attributes|], [Definition|], [Tables|] and [TOC extension|] extensions
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.1.1
** __Log4J to 2.17.1__
** Lucene to 8.11.1
** Mockito to 4.3.1
** Selenide to 6.3.3
** SLF4J to 1.7.36
** Tika to 2.3.0
** Tomcat to 9.0.58
* __Security Fixes__
** __[CVE-2022-24947]__
** [CVE-2022-24948]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.1 - Released on 18/12/2021
* __Fix for [Log4J-CVE-2021-44228]__
* Cache management moved to a new maven module, __jspwiki-cache__
** Cache backend can now be overriden by providing a custom {{CachingManager}} via [classmappings-extra.xml|]
** Default cache manager remains ehcache-based, with default configuration file on classpath located at {{ehcache-jspwiki.xml}}
** Tests wanting to invalidate cache(s) should call either {{Engine#shutdown()}} or {{Engine#getManager( CachingManager.class ).shutdown()}}
** The {{jspwiki.cache.config-file}} setting on the {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file allows to use a custom ehcache configuration file, located elsewhere on classpath
** Fixed [JSPWIKI-873|] - {{AttachmentManager#getAllAttachments()}} does not return more than exactly 1000 attachments
* A few properties from {{jspwiki[[-custom]-properties}} are being deprecated , they will continue to work, but they'll be removed on a future version
** {{jspwiki.usePageCache}} -> {{jspwiki.cache.enable}} should be used instead
** {{jspwiki.attachmentProvider}} -> {{jspwiki.attachment.provider}} should be used instead
** {{jspwiki.attachmentProvider.adapter.impl}} -> {{jspwiki.attachment.provider.adapter.impl}} should be used instead
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.1.1
** __Log4J to 2.16.0__
** JUnit to 5.8.2
** Mockito to 4.1.0
** Selenide to 6.1.1
** Tomcat to 9.0.56
* __Security Fixes__
** [Log4J-CVE-2021-44228]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0 - Released on 22/11/2021
* Added __[AWS Kendra as a Search Provider|KendraSearchProvider]__, contributed by Julien Masnada, thanks!
* {{breaking change}}: [New logging facade|], Log4J2 (2.14.1), supersedes existing Log4J one
** Although all Log4J (and SLF4J) calls are transparently routed to Log4J2, the log configuration inside {{}} has changed, so installations with customized logging configuration will need to be set up again.
** Existing 3rd party plugins, filters and providers will continue to work as expected, as Log4J calls will be routed to Log4J2, but the use of Log4J2 should be preferred onwards.
** By default, JSPWiki will configure Log4J2 from the {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} files, expecting log configuration to be there using [Log4J2 properties syntax|]
** {{jspwiki.use.external.logconfig=true}} can still be used on {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} files to bypass JSPWiki log re-configuration and rely directly on Log4J2 configuration mechanisms
** __IMPORTANT__: if you're using a [JSPWiki customized .war|StartingPointForCustomExtensions#BuildingACustomized.warFileWithYourExtensions], please ensure that neither Log4J nor any SLF4J implementation end up in your customized .war.
* [JSPWIKI-1143|] - [SpamFilter] now accepts the {{jspwiki.filters.spamfilter.allowedgroups}} property as a comma separated list of groups that will bypass the filter.
* JSPWiki now takes the following __properties sources__:
## Default JSPWiki properties
## System environment
## JSPWiki custom property files
## JSPWiki cascading properties
## System properties
** With the later ones taking precedence over the previous ones. To avoid leaking system information, only System environment and properties beginning with {{jspwiki}} (case unsensitive) are taken into account.
** Also, to ease docker integration, System env properties containing {{_}} are turned into {{.}}. F.ex., {{ENV jspwiki_fileSystemProvider_pageDir}} would be loaded as {{jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir}}.
* [JSPWIKI-1147|] - The button "Clear user preferences" doesn't clear user preferences
* [JSPWIKI-1140|] - Autogenerate changenote on page comments
* __Devs only__
** JSPWiki [Docker] image available on [Docker Hub|]
** [JSPWIKI-1160|] - JSPWiki is built using JDKs 8, 11 and 17
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.1.0
** Commons IO to 2.11.0
** Commons Lang to 3.12.0
** EhCache to
** Gson to 2.8.9
** HSQLDB to 2.6.1
** Jetty-all to 9.4.44.v20210927
** JUnit to 5.8.1
** Lucene to 8.11.0
** Mockito to 4.0.3
** Selenide to 6.0.3
** SLF4J to 1.7.32
** Tika to 2.1.0
** Tomcat to 9.0.55
* __Security Fixes__
** [CVE-2021-40369]
** [CVE-2021-44140]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M8 - Released on 13/12/2020
* __Lucene Index not updated on edits/new page - [JSPWIKI-1131|]__
** Fixes problems with Searches and Workflows' persistence on disk introduced on 2.11.0.M7
* Show only part of Weblog entry on the overview page - [JSPWIKI-1114|]
** Preview parameter cutting now only at newlines, patch suggested by Ulf Dittmer - thanks!
* Ensure {{IndexPlugin}} works with non-blank page references.
* Completed french and german ([JSPWIKI-1134|]) translations - thanks to Ainara González Pérez and Dietrich Schmidt!
* __Devs only__
** Added functional tests for page edits and page searches.
** Simplified generation of portable build native binaries
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.0.3
** Commons IO to 2.8.0
** Commons Lang to 3.11
** Commons Text to 1.9
** Flexmark to 0.62.2
** Hsqldb to 2.5.1
** JUnit to 5.7.0
** Lucene to 8.7.0
** Mockito to 3.6.28
** Selenide to 5.16.2
** Tika to 1.25
** Tomcat to 9.0.40
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M7 - Released on 28/05/2020
* JSPWiki __[Public API|JSPWikiPublicAPI]__ (Devs only - [JSPWIKI-120|JIRA:120], [JSPWIKI-303|JIRA:303], [JSPWIKI-806|JIRA:806])
** [Starting point for custom extensions|StartingPointForCustomExtensions]
** [How to write a plugin|HowToWriteAPlugin]
** [How to write a filter|HowToWriteAFilter]
** [How to write a page provider|HowToWriteAPageProvider]
** [Versioning proposal|VersioningProposal]
* Workflows' state now survive between restarts ([JSPWIKI-304|JIRA:304])
* Improved russian translation ([PR13|]) - contributed by [Kideath|], thanks!
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Commons Lang to 3.10
** Flexmark to 0.61.32
** JUnit to 5.6.2
** Lucene to 8.5.1
** Mockito 3.3.3, introduced as a mock testing library
** Selenide to 5.11.1
** SLF4J to 1.7.30
** Tika to 1.24
** Tomcat to 9.0.35
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M6 - Released on 17/12/2019
* __Devs__ only
** Official [Dockerfile|Docker] image
** A couple of methods moved out of {{WikiEngine}}
** {{TestEngine}} static builder methods
* Small bug fixed ([JSPWIKI-1120|JIRA:1120]), contributed by Haris Adzemovic, thanks!
* New javadoc doclet (i.e., compare [#1|] against [#2|])
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Flexmark to 0.50.44
** Lucene to 8.3.1
** Selenide to 5.5.1
** SLF4J to 1.7.29
** Tika to 1.23
** Tomcat to 8.5.49
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M5 - Released on 18/09/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M5 is the fifth release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* __Keyword support__ for JSPWiki pages - [JSPWIKI-427|JIRA:427]
** Use __{{[[{SET keywords=a,b,c}]}}__ to add keywords to a page. They will be shown in the info drop-down menu, and will be added as {{META}} tags to your page.
* Show only part of Weblog entry on the overview page - contributed by Ulf Dittmer - [JSPWIKI-1114|JIRA:1114]
* __Security fixes__ - [CVE-2019-10087], [CVE-2019-10089], [CVE-2019-10090], [CVE-2019-12404] and [CVE-2019-12407]
* Friendlier wiki page Lucene indexing when using custom analyzers - [JSPWIKI-893|JIRA:893]
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1115|JIRA:1115]
** commons-lang to 3.9
*** {{dev-only breaking change}}: if you were using commons-lang transitively on your extension, you must declare it explicitly or migrate it to commons-lang 3
** commons-text to 1.8
** flexmark to 0.50.40
** hsqldb to 2.5.0
** jaxen to 1.2.0
** jdom2 to 2.0.6
** junit to 5.5.2
** lucene to 8.2.0
** selenide to 5.3.1
** slf4j to 1.7.28
** tika to 1.22
** tomcat to 8.5.45
* __Devs__ only
** {{dev-only breaking change}}: Removed {{@Deprecated}} code
** Switch Sonar instance to [|] - [INFRA-18845|]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M4 - Released on 18/05/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M4 is the fourth release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* __New [TikaSearchProvider]__, to index a lot more of attachments - contributed by Ulf Dittmer - [JIRA:469]
* LuceneSearchProvider now indexes all attachment filenames, whether their content is parsed or not, and also scans {{.md}} and {{.xml}} files
* __Security fixes__ - [JSPWIKI-1107|JIRA:1107], [JSPWIKI-1108|JIRA:1108] and [JSPWIKI-1109|JIRA:1109]
* __Haddock improvements__
** [UserPreferences] page has been extended to allow the users to view and delete page-based cookies
** Attachment lists are now sortable on the attachment size field
* __[InsertPagePlugin]__ now also supports __cookie based inserts__, useful for one time page includes (i.e GDPR, welcome to this site, etc.) - [JSPWIKI-1104|JIRA:1104]
* Adding the __{{jspwiki.attachment.forceDownload}}__ property - [JSPWIKI-1106|JIRA:1106]
* __Wiki Markup enhacements and fixes__
** Add support for mixed css-class & css-style markup - [JSPWIKI-1100|JIRA:1100]
** Improve rendering of {{{inline preformatted text}}} - [JSPWIKI-1101|JIRA:1101]
** Added interwiki link for location links (google maps) eg: {{{[Atomium|Location:Atomium, City of Brussels, Belgium]}}}
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1110|JIRA:1110]
** commons-io to 2.6
** flexmark to 0.42.6
** jaxen to 1.2.0
** jdom2 to 2.0.6
** junit to 5.4.2
** tomcat to 8.5.40
* __Devs__ only
** New [aggregated apidocs|] are available online, in addition to those available through maven repositories.
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M3 - Released on 25/03/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M3 is the third release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* Haddock improvements
** __Haddock Light appereance__ is enabled by default, as opposed to 2.11.0.M2
** Drag & Drop capabilities added to the standard JSPWiki editor
** Added Description meta-tag to improve on-page SEO
** Added the Content-Security-Policy meta-tag to reduce the risk of XSS attacks
* Removed unused top level JSP - [JSPWIKI-1093|JIRA:1093]
** __Fixes [CVE-2019-0224]__
* {{DefaultURLConstructor#getForwardPage( HttpServletRequest req )}} now always returns {{Wiki.jsp}} - [JSPWIKI-1095|JIRA:1095]
** __Fixes [CVE-2019-0225]__
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1096|JIRA:1096]
** flexmark to 0.40.24
** lucene to 8.0.0
** selenide to 5.2.2
** slf4j to 1.7.26
** tomcat to 8.5.39
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M2 - Released on 08/03/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M2 is the second release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* __Haddock Dark appereance__, enabled by default
** if you want to keep the Light appereance by default, set {{jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.appearance}} to {{false}} on your {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file
* Fixes related to Haddock being the default template as of 2.11.0.M1
** Fixes for Reader view ([JSPWIKI-1090|JIRA:1090]), Diff view ([JSPWIKI-1091|JIRA:1091]) and WYSIWYG editor, which were incorrectly rendered
** Fallback to default template if the requested template folder is not found - [JSPWIKI-1088|JIRA:1088]
*** this allows to 2.10 installations having set to {{haddock}} the {{jspwiki.templateDir}} property to keep that value, as opposed to 2.11.0.M1 behaviour
* Fixed buggy header width in Fixed Page Layout - [JSPWIKI-1074|JIRA:1074]
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1092|JIRA:1092]
** flexmark to 0.40.16
** gson to 2.8.5
** junit to 5.4.0
** lucene to 7.7.0
** nekohtml to 1.9.22
** stripes to 1.7.0-async (needed to test JSPWIKI-1088)
** tomcat to 8.5.38
* __Devs__ only
** classes on {{}} package have been moved to their own maven module, __{{org.apache.jspwiki:jspwiki-util}}__
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M1 - Released on 29/01/2019
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* Haddock as new default template
* __Haddock as new default template__ - [JSPWIKI-1083|JIRA:1083]
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** %%error __2.10.X users__: {{haddock}} is not a valid {{jspwiki.templateDir}} value anymore, so if you have set it to this value, you should change it to {{default}}%%
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* Fix for [JSPWIKI-932|]: Failed to start managers. java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
* Third-party plugin jars are loaded as much as possible, instead of the all-or-nothing approach on 2.10
* New requirements
* __Default locale can now be set server-side__ through the {{[jspwiki.preferences.default-locale|]}} property on your {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file - [JSPWIKI-1085|JIRA:1085]
* __Fix for [JSPWIKI-932|JIRA:932]__: Failed to start managers. {{java.util.ConcurrentModificationException}}
* __Third-party plugin jars are loaded as much as possible__, instead of the all-or-nothing approach on 2.10 - [JSPWIKI-1080|JIRA:1080]
* __New requirements__ - [JSPWIKI-1076|JIRA:1076]
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** Servlet 3.1 / JSP 2.3 compliant JEE server
* Dev only:
** New JSPWiki jar maven coordinates: {{org.apache.jspwiki:jspwiki-main}}
** At least JDK 8 and Maven 3.5.0 needed to build JSPWiki
** JUnit 5 is now used for testing
** Servlet 3.1 / JSP 2.3 compliant JEE server (i.e., Tomcat 8.5 and onwards)
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1087|JIRA:1087]
** commons-fileupload to 1.4
** ehcache to 2.10.6
** flexmark to 0.40.12
** junit to 5.3.2
** lucene to 7.6.0
*** %%error __2.10.X users__: when upgrading, Lucene index must be rebuilt in order to get the search going; to do so you'll have to delete the {{jspwiki.workDir/lucene}} directory%%
** tomcat to 8.5.37
* __Devs__ only:
** New JSPWiki jar maven coordinates: {{org.apache.jspwiki:jspwiki-main}} - [JSPWIKI-1081|JIRA:1081]
** At least JDK 8 and Maven 3.5.0 needed to build JSPWiki - [JSPWIKI-1076|JIRA:1076]
** JUnit 5 is now used for testing - [JSPWIKI-1078|JIRA:1078]
** Functional tests now use Selenide instead of Selenium - [JSPWIKI-1086|JIRA:1086]
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We try to follow semantic version, meaning that, f.ex., a 2.10.0 to 2.10.3 upgrade should be transparent (a "minor" release). However, going from 2.10.whatever to 2.11.0 (a "major" release) means there can be some backwards incompatible changes; again, f.ex., something like requiring a higher Java version to run or compile JSPWiki. Those changes should be clearly depicted on this page, so you are able to know what to expect.
{{M#}} releases are as production-ready as any other JSPWiki release, so you should not be concerned about its stability.
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Said that, the {{M#}} is only there to note that we are still in the middle of transitioning to a "major" release, so next releases could still have breaking changes and still retain the release numbering. It does not mean the release is incomplete, only for the brave, beta or something along those lines. These releases should be as production-ready as any other JSPWiki release.
Please look at the [VersioningProposal] page to know how this label is used on Apache JSPWiki releases.
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