This page (revision-71) was last changed on 31-Dec-2022 14:45 by Juan Pablo 

This page was created on 28-Nov-2018 19:36 by Juan Pablo

Only authorized users are allowed to rename pages.

Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages.

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
71 31-Dec-2022 14:45 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous remove unneeded trailing }]
70 12-Aug-2022 15:00 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last fix sublist position
69 05-Aug-2022 09:47 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last Link to relevant JIRA issues
68 03-Aug-2022 21:02 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last Include link to CsrfProtection tag
67 03-Aug-2022 16:43 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last csrf: note on customized templates
66 02-Aug-2022 21:31 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last JSPWiki 2.11.3 - Released on 02/08/2022
65 30-Jul-2022 12:56 18 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.3 changelog
64 05-Apr-2022 20:33 16 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.3 initial changelog
63 24-Feb-2022 22:30 16 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.2 release
62 21-Feb-2022 22:06 16 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last 2.11.2 curated changelog
61 18-Dec-2021 14:28 15 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last Preparing 2.11.1 release

Difference between version and

At line 1 changed one line
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M1 - yet to be released
At line 3 added 285 lines
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.3 - Released on 02/08/2022
* __[Engine Lifecycle Extensions|HowToWriteAnEngineLifecycleExtension]__
* [JSPWIKI-802|] - __[Markdown support|Markdown Support] improvements__
** Plain editor now understands different wiki syntaxes, with initial support for Markdown
** {{[|]}} to convert from JSPWiki syntax to markdown
* [JSPWIKI-1075|] - __New {{CsrfProtectionFilter}} to protect POST requests from CSRF attacks__
** {{}} gains new {{String antiCsrfToken()}} method
** __Custom templates must ensure that all {{<form>}} elements and the {{commonheader.jsp}} file contain a {{[<wiki:CsrfProtection/>|CsrfProtectionTag]}} custom tag (like [this|] and [this|])__
* [JSPWIKI-1171|] - Ensure Lucene indexes all pages and attachments, even when they don't fit in the cache
* Fixed logout modal dialog not showing up
* Add default application name on {{<title>}} elements to templates' templates, and {{Main}} as default frontpage is none is defined on default template
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.2.0
** JUnit to 5.9.0
** HSQLDB to 2.7.0
** Log4J to 2.18.0
** Lucene to 8.11.2
** Mockito to 4.6.1
** Selenide to 6.6.6
** Tika to 2.4.1
** Tomcat to 9.0.65
** XStream to 1.4.19
* __Security Fixes__
** [CVE-2022-27166]
** [CVE-2022-28730]
** __[CVE-2022-28731]__
** [CVE-2022-28732]
** __[CVE-2022-34158]__
* __Devs only__
** JSPWiki memory footprint can be established by running {{mvn test -Dtest=MemoryProfiling}} on the {{jspwiki-main}} module
** {{TestEngine#shutdown}} now cleans cache, wiki pages dir and their associated attachments, if any. This allows cleaning up a handful of tests
** {{TestEngine#emptyWikiDir}} deletes both page and attachment directories
** {{TestEngine}} is able to not clean up directories / ensure they have unique names if {{jspwiki.test.disable-clean-props}} wiki property is set to {{true}}
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.2 - Released on 24/02/2022
* [JSPWIKI-802|] - [Markdown support|Markdown Support] improvements
** Added support for WYSIWYG editor
** Added [Attributes|], [Definition|], [Tables|] and [TOC extension|] extensions
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.1.1
** __Log4J to 2.17.1__
** Lucene to 8.11.1
** Mockito to 4.3.1
** Selenide to 6.3.3
** SLF4J to 1.7.36
** Tika to 2.3.0
** Tomcat to 9.0.58
* __Security Fixes__
** __[CVE-2022-24947]__
** [CVE-2022-24948]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.1 - Released on 18/12/2021
* __Fix for [Log4J-CVE-2021-44228]__
* Cache management moved to a new maven module, __jspwiki-cache__
** Cache backend can now be overriden by providing a custom {{CachingManager}} via [classmappings-extra.xml|]
** Default cache manager remains ehcache-based, with default configuration file on classpath located at {{ehcache-jspwiki.xml}}
** Tests wanting to invalidate cache(s) should call either {{Engine#shutdown()}} or {{Engine#getManager( CachingManager.class ).shutdown()}}
** The {{jspwiki.cache.config-file}} setting on the {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file allows to use a custom ehcache configuration file, located elsewhere on classpath
** Fixed [JSPWIKI-873|] - {{AttachmentManager#getAllAttachments()}} does not return more than exactly 1000 attachments
* A few properties from {{jspwiki[[-custom]-properties}} are being deprecated , they will continue to work, but they'll be removed on a future version
** {{jspwiki.usePageCache}} -> {{jspwiki.cache.enable}} should be used instead
** {{jspwiki.attachmentProvider}} -> {{jspwiki.attachment.provider}} should be used instead
** {{jspwiki.attachmentProvider.adapter.impl}} -> {{jspwiki.attachment.provider.adapter.impl}} should be used instead
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.1.1
** __Log4J to 2.16.0__
** JUnit to 5.8.2
** Mockito to 4.1.0
** Selenide to 6.1.1
** Tomcat to 9.0.56
* __Security Fixes__
** [Log4J-CVE-2021-44228]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0 - Released on 22/11/2021
* Added __[AWS Kendra as a Search Provider|KendraSearchProvider]__, contributed by Julien Masnada, thanks!
* {{breaking change}}: [New logging facade|], Log4J2 (2.14.1), supersedes existing Log4J one
** Although all Log4J (and SLF4J) calls are transparently routed to Log4J2, the log configuration inside {{}} has changed, so installations with customized logging configuration will need to be set up again.
** Existing 3rd party plugins, filters and providers will continue to work as expected, as Log4J calls will be routed to Log4J2, but the use of Log4J2 should be preferred onwards.
** By default, JSPWiki will configure Log4J2 from the {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} files, expecting log configuration to be there using [Log4J2 properties syntax|]
** {{jspwiki.use.external.logconfig=true}} can still be used on {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} files to bypass JSPWiki log re-configuration and rely directly on Log4J2 configuration mechanisms
** __IMPORTANT__: if you're using a [JSPWiki customized .war|StartingPointForCustomExtensions#BuildingACustomized.warFileWithYourExtensions], please ensure that neither Log4J nor any SLF4J implementation end up in your customized .war.
* [JSPWIKI-1143|] - [SpamFilter] now accepts the {{jspwiki.filters.spamfilter.allowedgroups}} property as a comma separated list of groups that will bypass the filter.
* JSPWiki now takes the following __properties sources__:
## Default JSPWiki properties
## System environment
## JSPWiki custom property files
## JSPWiki cascading properties
## System properties
** With the later ones taking precedence over the previous ones. To avoid leaking system information, only System environment and properties beginning with {{jspwiki}} (case unsensitive) are taken into account.
** Also, to ease docker integration, System env properties containing {{_}} are turned into {{.}}. F.ex., {{ENV jspwiki_fileSystemProvider_pageDir}} would be loaded as {{jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir}}.
* [JSPWIKI-1147|] - The button "Clear user preferences" doesn't clear user preferences
* [JSPWIKI-1140|] - Autogenerate changenote on page comments
* __Devs only__
** JSPWiki [Docker] image available on [Docker Hub|]
** [JSPWIKI-1160|] - JSPWiki is built using JDKs 8, 11 and 17
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.1.0
** Commons IO to 2.11.0
** Commons Lang to 3.12.0
** EhCache to
** Gson to 2.8.9
** HSQLDB to 2.6.1
** Jetty-all to 9.4.44.v20210927
** JUnit to 5.8.1
** Lucene to 8.11.0
** Mockito to 4.0.3
** Selenide to 6.0.3
** SLF4J to 1.7.32
** Tika to 2.1.0
** Tomcat to 9.0.55
* __Security Fixes__
** [CVE-2021-40369]
** [CVE-2021-44140]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M8 - Released on 13/12/2020
* __Lucene Index not updated on edits/new page - [JSPWIKI-1131|]__
** Fixes problems with Searches and Workflows' persistence on disk introduced on 2.11.0.M7
* Show only part of Weblog entry on the overview page - [JSPWIKI-1114|]
** Preview parameter cutting now only at newlines, patch suggested by Ulf Dittmer - thanks!
* Ensure {{IndexPlugin}} works with non-blank page references.
* Completed french and german ([JSPWIKI-1134|]) translations - thanks to Ainara González Pérez and Dietrich Schmidt!
* __Devs only__
** Added functional tests for page edits and page searches.
** Simplified generation of portable build native binaries
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Awaitility to 4.0.3
** Commons IO to 2.8.0
** Commons Lang to 3.11
** Commons Text to 1.9
** Flexmark to 0.62.2
** Hsqldb to 2.5.1
** JUnit to 5.7.0
** Lucene to 8.7.0
** Mockito to 3.6.28
** Selenide to 5.16.2
** Tika to 1.25
** Tomcat to 9.0.40
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M7 - Released on 28/05/2020
* JSPWiki __[Public API|JSPWikiPublicAPI]__ (Devs only - [JSPWIKI-120|JIRA:120], [JSPWIKI-303|JIRA:303], [JSPWIKI-806|JIRA:806])
** [Starting point for custom extensions|StartingPointForCustomExtensions]
** [How to write a plugin|HowToWriteAPlugin]
** [How to write a filter|HowToWriteAFilter]
** [How to write a page provider|HowToWriteAPageProvider]
** [Versioning proposal|VersioningProposal]
* Workflows' state now survive between restarts ([JSPWIKI-304|JIRA:304])
* Improved russian translation ([PR13|]) - contributed by [Kideath|], thanks!
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Commons Lang to 3.10
** Flexmark to 0.61.32
** JUnit to 5.6.2
** Lucene to 8.5.1
** Mockito 3.3.3, introduced as a mock testing library
** Selenide to 5.11.1
** SLF4J to 1.7.30
** Tika to 1.24
** Tomcat to 9.0.35
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M6 - Released on 17/12/2019
* __Devs__ only
** Official [Dockerfile|Docker] image
** A couple of methods moved out of {{WikiEngine}}
** {{TestEngine}} static builder methods
* Small bug fixed ([JSPWIKI-1120|JIRA:1120]), contributed by Haris Adzemovic, thanks!
* New javadoc doclet (i.e., compare [#1|] against [#2|])
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__
** Flexmark to 0.50.44
** Lucene to 8.3.1
** Selenide to 5.5.1
** SLF4J to 1.7.29
** Tika to 1.23
** Tomcat to 8.5.49
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M5 - Released on 18/09/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M5 is the fifth release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* __Keyword support__ for JSPWiki pages - [JSPWIKI-427|JIRA:427]
** Use __{{[[{SET keywords=a,b,c}]}}__ to add keywords to a page. They will be shown in the info drop-down menu, and will be added as {{META}} tags to your page.
* Show only part of Weblog entry on the overview page - contributed by Ulf Dittmer - [JSPWIKI-1114|JIRA:1114]
* __Security fixes__ - [CVE-2019-10087], [CVE-2019-10089], [CVE-2019-10090], [CVE-2019-12404] and [CVE-2019-12407]
* Friendlier wiki page Lucene indexing when using custom analyzers - [JSPWIKI-893|JIRA:893]
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1115|JIRA:1115]
** commons-lang to 3.9
*** {{dev-only breaking change}}: if you were using commons-lang transitively on your extension, you must declare it explicitly or migrate it to commons-lang 3
** commons-text to 1.8
** flexmark to 0.50.40
** hsqldb to 2.5.0
** jaxen to 1.2.0
** jdom2 to 2.0.6
** junit to 5.5.2
** lucene to 8.2.0
** selenide to 5.3.1
** slf4j to 1.7.28
** tika to 1.22
** tomcat to 8.5.45
* __Devs__ only
** {{dev-only breaking change}}: Removed {{@Deprecated}} code
** Switch Sonar instance to [|] - [INFRA-18845|]
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M4 - Released on 18/05/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M4 is the fourth release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* __New [TikaSearchProvider]__, to index a lot more of attachments - contributed by Ulf Dittmer - [JIRA:469]
* LuceneSearchProvider now indexes all attachment filenames, whether their content is parsed or not, and also scans {{.md}} and {{.xml}} files
* __Security fixes__ - [JSPWIKI-1107|JIRA:1107], [JSPWIKI-1108|JIRA:1108] and [JSPWIKI-1109|JIRA:1109]
* __Haddock improvements__
** [UserPreferences] page has been extended to allow the users to view and delete page-based cookies
** Attachment lists are now sortable on the attachment size field
* __[InsertPagePlugin]__ now also supports __cookie based inserts__, useful for one time page includes (i.e GDPR, welcome to this site, etc.) - [JSPWIKI-1104|JIRA:1104]
* Adding the __{{jspwiki.attachment.forceDownload}}__ property - [JSPWIKI-1106|JIRA:1106]
* __Wiki Markup enhacements and fixes__
** Add support for mixed css-class & css-style markup - [JSPWIKI-1100|JIRA:1100]
** Improve rendering of {{{inline preformatted text}}} - [JSPWIKI-1101|JIRA:1101]
** Added interwiki link for location links (google maps) eg: {{{[Atomium|Location:Atomium, City of Brussels, Belgium]}}}
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1110|JIRA:1110]
** commons-io to 2.6
** flexmark to 0.42.6
** jaxen to 1.2.0
** jdom2 to 2.0.6
** junit to 5.4.2
** tomcat to 8.5.40
* __Devs__ only
** New [aggregated apidocs|] are available online, in addition to those available through maven repositories.
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M3 - Released on 25/03/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M3 is the third release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* Haddock improvements
** __Haddock Light appereance__ is enabled by default, as opposed to 2.11.0.M2
** Drag & Drop capabilities added to the standard JSPWiki editor
** Added Description meta-tag to improve on-page SEO
** Added the Content-Security-Policy meta-tag to reduce the risk of XSS attacks
* Removed unused top level JSP - [JSPWIKI-1093|JIRA:1093]
** __Fixes [CVE-2019-0224]__
* {{DefaultURLConstructor#getForwardPage( HttpServletRequest req )}} now always returns {{Wiki.jsp}} - [JSPWIKI-1095|JIRA:1095]
** __Fixes [CVE-2019-0225]__
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1096|JIRA:1096]
** flexmark to 0.40.24
** lucene to 8.0.0
** selenide to 5.2.2
** slf4j to 1.7.26
** tomcat to 8.5.39
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M2 - Released on 08/03/2019
Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M2 is the second release towards 2.11.0.
This release features, among other things:
* __Haddock Dark appereance__, enabled by default
** if you want to keep the Light appereance by default, set {{jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.appearance}} to {{false}} on your {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file
* Fixes related to Haddock being the default template as of 2.11.0.M1
** Fixes for Reader view ([JSPWIKI-1090|JIRA:1090]), Diff view ([JSPWIKI-1091|JIRA:1091]) and WYSIWYG editor, which were incorrectly rendered
** Fallback to default template if the requested template folder is not found - [JSPWIKI-1088|JIRA:1088]
*** this allows to 2.10 installations having set to {{haddock}} the {{jspwiki.templateDir}} property to keep that value, as opposed to 2.11.0.M1 behaviour
* Fixed buggy header width in Fixed Page Layout - [JSPWIKI-1074|JIRA:1074]
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1092|JIRA:1092]
** flexmark to 0.40.16
** gson to 2.8.5
** junit to 5.4.0
** lucene to 7.7.0
** nekohtml to 1.9.22
** stripes to 1.7.0-async (needed to test JSPWIKI-1088)
** tomcat to 8.5.38
* __Devs__ only
** classes on {{}} package have been moved to their own maven module, __{{org.apache.jspwiki:jspwiki-util}}__
!!! New in JSPWiki 2.11.0.M1 - Released on 29/01/2019
At line 7 changed one line
* __Haddock as new default template__ - [JSPWIKI-1083|]
* __Haddock as new default template__ - [JSPWIKI-1083|JIRA:1083]
At line 20 changed 4 lines
* __Default locale can now be set server-side__ through the {{[jspwiki.preferences.default-locale|]}} property on your {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file - [JSPWIKI-1085|]
* __Fix for [JSPWIKI-932|]__: Failed to start managers. {{java.util.ConcurrentModificationException}}
* __Third-party plugin jars are loaded as much as possible__, instead of the all-or-nothing approach on 2.10 - [JSPWIKI-1080|]
* __New requirements__ - [JSPWIKI-1076|]
* __Default locale can now be set server-side__ through the {{[jspwiki.preferences.default-locale|]}} property on your {{jspwiki[[-custom].properties}} file - [JSPWIKI-1085|JIRA:1085]
* __Fix for [JSPWIKI-932|JIRA:932]__: Failed to start managers. {{java.util.ConcurrentModificationException}}
* __Third-party plugin jars are loaded as much as possible__, instead of the all-or-nothing approach on 2.10 - [JSPWIKI-1080|JIRA:1080]
* __New requirements__ - [JSPWIKI-1076|JIRA:1076]
At line 26 changed one line
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1087|]
* __Upgraded bundled dependencies__ - [JSPWIKI-1087|JIRA:1087]
At line 317 added one line
*** %%error __2.10.X users__: when upgrading, Lucene index must be rebuilt in order to get the search going; to do so you'll have to delete the {{jspwiki.workDir/lucene}} directory%%
At line 34 changed 4 lines
** New JSPWiki jar maven coordinates: {{org.apache.jspwiki:jspwiki-main}} - [JSPWIKI-1081|]
** At least JDK 8 and Maven 3.5.0 needed to build JSPWiki - [JSPWIKI-1076|]
** JUnit 5 is now used for testing - [JSPWIKI-1078|]
** Functional tests now use Selenide instead of Selenium - [JSPWIKI-1086|]
** New JSPWiki jar maven coordinates: {{org.apache.jspwiki:jspwiki-main}} - [JSPWIKI-1081|JIRA:1081]
** At least JDK 8 and Maven 3.5.0 needed to build JSPWiki - [JSPWIKI-1076|JIRA:1076]
** JUnit 5 is now used for testing - [JSPWIKI-1078|JIRA:1078]
** Functional tests now use Selenide instead of Selenium - [JSPWIKI-1086|JIRA:1086]
At line 336 added 3 lines
[{ALLOW edit Admin}]
[{ALLOW view All}]