JSPWiki configuration#

This is simple dump of the jspwiki.properties file contained in JSPWiki.war. It holds all properties and includes a good description. (and we don't like to duplicate documentation)

If you want to look at the properties your own system is using, go to your unpacked JSPwiki webapp directory and find WEB-INF/lib/jspwiki-war-n.nn.nn-SNAPSHOT.jar. Unpack this jar and you will find the file inside its ini subdirectory.


#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
#  distributed with this work for additional information
#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
#  under the License.

Application (wiki) Name#

#  This is the JSPWiki configuration file.  You'll need to edit this
#  a bit.  The first few lines are the most important ones.
#  If you don't want to edit this file, you can override each individual
#  property by specifying the property name as a standard
#  Java System Property.
#  Wherever it is said that an option can be "true" or "false", you can
#  also use "yes"/"no", or "on/off".  Just for some convenience.
#  You can use this to override the default application name.  It affects
#  the HTML titles and logging, for example.  It can be different from
#  the actual web name (http://my.com/mywiki) of the application, but usually
#  it is the same.
jspwiki.applicationName = JSPWiki

Base URL#

#  Describe where your wiki lives (the real URL through which it is available
#  through the internet/intranet).  This is a mandatory attribute.
#  Be careful if you use a localhost address (http://localhost/ or,
#  as this will cause some unwanted side effects if your wiki is accessed from
#  any other computer than where the wiki is running.
#  Example:
#  jspwiki.baseURL = http://jspwiki.apache.org/

Page Provider#

#  Which page provider class to use.  Possibilities are:
#    FileSystemProvider     - for simple pure file storage with no version information
#    VersioningFileProvider - for simple pure file storage with    version information
jspwiki.pageProvider = FileSystemProvider

Page Name Comparator#

# How to order pages in various lists and plugins.  By default, they are
# ordered using Java's "natural" String order (purely character by character
# comparison). This means that the pages named "Page1", "Page2" and "Page10"
# appear in the order "Page1", "Page10", "Page2".
# To specify a different ordering, give the fully qualified name of a String
# Comparator. If the class can't be found, an error will be logged and page
# sorting will fall back to the default "natural" ordering. You can specify
# any String Comparator class here BUT be careful of using case insensitive
# comparators as JSPWiki page names may be case sensitive.
# Example: jspwiki.pageNameComparator.class = my.fully.qualified.comparator
# For convenience, we have provided a few possibly useful comparators:
# HumanComparator understands numbers and sorts in a more human friendly
# order (English only).  Using HumanComparator, the pages "Page1", "Page2",
# "Page10" will sort in that order.
# Example: jspwiki.pageNameComparator.class = HumanComparator
# LocaleComparator uses the server's Locale for ordering.  Useful if your
# content is always in a language other than English.  Does not do human
# friendly numeric ordering.
# Example: jspwiki.pageNameComparator.class = LocaleComparator
#jspwiki.pageNameComparator.class =

Page Caching#

#  Set to true, if you want to cache page data into memory.  This is
#  in general a good idea.
#  Default is false (no cache).
#  NB: This replaces the JSPWiki 1.x "CachingProvider" setting, since it
#      probably was too confusing.
jspwiki.usePageCache = true


Location of Stored Pages#

#  Determines where wiki files are kept for FileSystemProvider i.e.:
#  jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir = /p/web/www-data/jspwiki/
#  If you're using Windows, then you must duplicate the backslashes.
#  For example, use:
#  jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir = C:\\Data\\jspwiki
#  If not provided, will default to a "jspwiki-files" directory
#  in the user's home folder.

Location of Work Directory#

#  The JSPWiki working directory.  If not set, a temporary path will
#  be used.  You can see the location of the workdir in the logs.
#  It is HIGHLY recommended that you set this.
#  The working directory is used to cache things like Lucene search
#  results.
#jspwiki.workDir =


Attachment Provider#

#  Use the following property to define which attachment provider
#  you want to use.  You have basically two choices:
#    * Set the value to BasicAttachmentProvider
#      a simple, flat file versioning provider
#    * Leave the value empty (or just comment the line out)
#      the attachment functionality is disabled
jspwiki.attachmentProvider = BasicAttachmentProvider

Attachment Storage Location#

#  The BasicAttachmentProvider needs to know where to store the files
#  the user has uploaded.  It's okay to put these in the same directory
#  as you put your text files (i.e. the pageDir setting above).
#  If you're using Windows, then you must duplicate the backslashes.
#  For example, use:
#  jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir = C:\\Data\\jspwiki
#  If not provided, will default to a "jspwiki-files" directory
#  in the user's home folder.

Attachment Caching#

#  You can tell the BasicAttachmentProvider to add a flag
#  so that browsers do not cache certain (or all) attachment
#  types. This is useful in intranet environments. You should activate
#  this if your users complain that their excel files are not uploaded
#  correctly and they still do have an old version: Usually the
#  file was uploaded correctly, but they get the locally cached version
#  You can use regular expressions to disable the cache, e.g the
#  following example will disable browser cache for all excel and word files
#  If you don't define this property, cache is enabled by default for
#  all attachments
#  jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.disableCache = .*\.xls|.*\.doc

Maximum Attachment Size#

#  You can limit the maximum size of an attachment by setting this
#  value.  The value is in bytes, and by default all attachments
#  are accepted.
# This limit is not enforced for users with AdminPermissions.
#  The following line would limit the attachment size to 100,000 bytes

Permitted Attachment Types#

#  By default JSPWiki accepts all types of attachments.  However, you
#  can allow some types only, or forbid some other types.  By default,
#  all file types are allowed (if you do not specify the "allow" list
#  at all or it is empty).
# These allow/forbid statements are not enforced for users with AdminPermissions.
#  These both are space-separated lists of file suffixes
#  Example: Allow only PNG, JPG, ZIP and JAR file attachments
#jspwiki.attachment.allowed=.png .jpg .zip .jar

#  Example: Forbid HTML, PHP, ASP and EXE
#jspwiki.attachment.forbidden=.html .htm .php .asp .exe

Page Diff Representation#

#  page Diff Representation
#  To show differences between page versions, you can define a
# difference provider.
#  The following choices are available:
#    * TraditionalDiffProvider - Uses internal (java) diff
#        to create a list of changes and shows it line by
#        line colored. This is the default
#    * ContextualDiffProvider - Uses internal (java) diff
#        to create changes inline and shows it on a word by
#        word basis using CSS. This is much superior to the
#        traditional diff provider, however, it is still quite
#        new and not much tested. YMMV.
#    * ExternalDiffProvider - uses a system diff program (which
#        can be configured using "jspwiki.diffCommand") to
#        create an unified (!) diff.
#        Example for a diff command:
#        jspwiki.diffCommand = /usr/bin/diff -u %s1 %s2
jspwiki.diffProvider = TraditionalDiffProvider

Absolute or Relative URLs#

#  Determines if you need to have relative urls or not.  If the baseURL
#  is not set, then this has no effect, but if you set the baseURL (which
#  is highly recommended), you can use this to set relative urls.
#  Possible values are "absolute" and "relative".

Character Encoding#

#  Determines which character encoding JSPWiki should use.  If you want
#  to support all languages in your Wiki, you probably want to enable
#  this.  From JSPWiki 2.2, it is strongly suggested that you use UTF-8.
#  Note that you can't switch these in the mean time, since the way the
#  files are encoded on disk is incompatible between ISO-Latin1 and UTF-8.
#  Don't try.  You'll get all sorts of interesting problems, if you do.
#  Possible values are 'ISO-8859-1' (default, if none has been specified)
#  and 'UTF-8'.

jspwiki.encoding = UTF-8

Permit Raw HTML#

#  Determines whether raw HTML is allowed as Wiki input.
#  If you decide to allow raw HTML, understand that ANY person who has
#  access to your Wiki site can embed ANY sort of malicious JavaScript,
#  or plugin, or ActiveX, or whatever on your site.  They can even mess it
#  up so royally it is impossible for you to replace the situation without
#  the need of direct access to the repository.  So think twice before
#  allowing raw HTML on your own site.
#  Most probably you want to use this on Intranets, or personal servers,
#  where only a handful of people can access the wiki.
#  Text between { { {  and  } } } is not affected by this setting, so
#  it's always safe to quote HTML code with those.
#  The default for this option is "false".
jspwiki.translatorReader.allowHTML = false

Usability Niceties#

Break Title With Spaces#

#  Usability niceties.
#  If this property is set to "true", then page titles are rendered
#  using an extra space between every capital letter.  It may make
#  page titles readable on some occasions, but it does have the
#  drawback of making the titles look a bit funny at times.
jspwiki.breakTitleWithSpaces = false

Match English Plurals#

#  If set to true, this property means that "WikiName" and "WikiNames"
#  are considered equal when linking between them.  Setting this to
#  true does not prevent you from having both kinds of pages - we just
#  fall back to the other one if the primary name does not exist.
#  For any other language, you'll probably want to turn this off.
jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals = true

#  If you set this to true, the Wiki translator will then also consider
#  "traditional" WikiNames (that is, names of pages JustSmashedTogether
#  without square brackets) as hyperlinks.  This technique is also
#  known as "CamelCase", or "BumpyCase", or "InterCapping".  I personally
#  like CamelCase as a word, which is why this property is named as it is :-).
#  By default this is false, since traditional WikiLinks may confuse newbies.
#  This option can be overridden on a per-page basis using the SET directive.
jspwiki.translatorReader.camelCaseLinks = false

Template Name#

#  This sets the default template used by the Wiki engine.  The templates
#  live in templates/<template name>.  JSPWiki will attempt to find three
#  basic templates from that directory: "ViewTemplate," "EditTemplate"
#  and "AdminTemplate"
#  By default this is called "default".
#  This option can be overridden on a per-page basis using the SET directive.
jspwiki.templateDir = default

Name of Front Page#

#  The name of the front page.  This is the page that gets loaded if no
#  other page is loaded.  Up until JSPWiki 1.9.28, it was always called
#  "Main", but now you can easily change the default front page here.  If not
#  defined, uses "Main".
#jspwiki.frontPage = Main

Allow Creation of Empty Pages#

#  Allow creation of empty pages. Defaults to false.
#jspwiki.allowCreationOfEmptyPages = false

Use Outlink Image#

#  If set to true, all outward links have a small icon attached.  The icon
#  can be found from images/out.png.  Default is true.
jspwiki.translatorReader.useOutlinkImage = true

Lock Expiry Time#

#  Set this to the number of minutes a person can "lock" a page
#  for while he is editing it.
jspwiki.lockExpiryTime = 60

Search Configuration#

Search Provider#

#  Search provider used for searching pages and attachments.
#  Default is LuceneSearchProvider, but you can fall back to BasicSearchProvider
jspwiki.searchProvider = LuceneSearchProvider

Search Analyzer#

#  If your wiki's language is something else than English, you might
#  want to visit lucene.apache.org and download a proper Analyzer
#  for your language.  Default is to use StandardAnalyzer.
#jspwiki.lucene.analyzer = org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer

Special Page References#

#  Special page references.
#  The URL is relative to Wiki.jsp.  However, if you use
#  a full, absolute URL, you can also do that.
# Example to redirect all requests to a page called 'OriginalWiki'
# to the original wikiwiki at http://c2.com/cgi/wiki
# jspwiki.specialPage.OriginalWiki = http://c2.com/cgi/wiki
#  Note that it is entirely possible to override any Wiki page, even
#  an existing one by redefining it here.
jspwiki.specialPage.CreateGroup = NewGroup.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.Search = Search.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.Login = Login.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.NewGroup = NewGroup.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.UserPreferences = UserPreferences.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.Workflow = Workflow.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.Logout = Logout.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.CreateProfile = Login.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.EditProfile = UserPreferences.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.Preferences = UserPreferences.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.FindPage = FindPage.jsp

Plugin Search Paths#

#  Plugin search paths.
#  Define here the packages you want to use for searching plugins,
#  separated with commas.
#  For example, use the following command to add "org.myorganisation.jspwiki.myplugins"
#  and "com.foobar.myplugins" to the search path.
#  jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = org.myorganisation.jspwiki.myplugins,com.foobar.myplugins
#  The default path is "org.apache.wiki.plugin", and it will be always
#  the last item on the path.  This allows you to override JSPWiki default
#  plugins.  Note that you are only adding to the path, not replacing it (ie.
#  the default path is never removed.)
#  If the path is not specified (and there is no jspwiki_module.xml with the
#  plugin JAR), you need to either declare the search path by hand, or
#  use a fully qualified name.
#  If you are a plugin developer, please consider deploying a jspwiki_module.xml
#  file with your plugin JAR, so that the user does not have to set the searchPath.
#  jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = org.myorganisation.jspwiki.myplugins,com.foobar.myplugins
jspwiki.plugin.searchPath =

# You can specify external jars containing plugin classes. These will be added to the classpath
# when plugins are loaded.
# Using this you don't have to put the jars in your WEB-INF/lib directory thereby preventing war-surgery.
jspwiki.plugin.externalJars =

Page Filters#

#  Page filters
#  Normally, the filter configuration is in your WEB-INF/ directory, so you
#  do not need to go and specify this.  However, if your filters.xml live somewhere
#  else, you'll have to specify it here.
#jspwiki.filterConfig = /some/path/to/your/filters.xml

URL Constructor#

#  URL Constructor
#  JSPWiki by default generates page and attachment links that use JSP
#  pages and request parameters. It can also use alternative URL
#  constructors so that URL pages resemble traditional website paths, too.
#  You have three choices for generating URLs:
#     DefaultURLConstructor - uses JSPs for all references:
#         http://mywiki.com/jspwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Main
#         http://mywiki.com/jspwiki/Edit.jsp?page=Main
#     ShortURLConstructor - uses path-like reference style:
#         http://mywiki.com/jspwiki/wiki/Main
#         http://mywiki.com/jspwiki/wiki/Main?do=Edit
#     ShortViewURLConstructor - uses path-like references for views; JSPs for everything else:
#         http://mywiki.com/jspwiki/wiki/Main
#         http://mywiki.com/jspwiki/Edit.jsp?page=Main
#  Of course, you can also write your own implementation if you wish.
#  For either of the ShortURL constructors, you can also specify a
#  prefix path to go in front of page names. By default, the
#  prefix is 'wiki/'.
#  Be warned that the ShortURLConstructor does not work well with any other editor
#  except the built-in plaintext one.  Use ShortViewURLConstructor if you plan
#  to enable any other ones.
#jspwiki.urlConstructor = DefaultURLConstructor
#jspwiki.urlConstructor = ShortViewURLConstructor
#jspwiki.shortURLConstructor.prefix = wiki/


# Rendering
# At this time, entries here are strictly for development and testing.

Use Rendering Cache#

# Disable internal caching of pre-constructed document DOMs.
# This may be necessary if you require custom rendering that must not be cached.
#jspwiki.renderingManager.useCache = false

Security, authentication and authorization#

#  Security, authentication and authorization

#  JSPWiki supports a plugin-based interface for talking to different
#  kinds of authentication and authorization systems. By "authentication,"
#  we mean a system for logging in a user to establish their identity.
#  By "authorization," we mean a system for figuring out what actions
#  users can perform based on their authenticated identities.
#  For users looking to get started quickly, the default settings below
#  should work fine. In addition to the properties below, you may also
#  want to modify the security policy file WEB-INF/jspwiki.policy. See
#  the policy file for more details.
#  For authentication, JSPWiki uses JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization
#  Service) in combination with a servlet filter that picks up any credentials
#  set by the servlet container. The Authentication system is configured below.
#  You must choose either (A) Container or (B) Custom authentication. (B) is the default.
#  JSPWiki will always (passively) collect credentials supplied by your servlet
#  container, via HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal/getRemote user. You do not
#  need to do anything to enable this. In addition, you can cause JSPWiki users
#  to log in to the web container by uncommenting the the <security-constraint>
#  elements in WEB-INF/web.xml.
#  If you do not wish to use container-managed authentication, you can use JSPWiki's
#  own custom authentication system. This uses a JAAS LoginModule (supplied below)
#  to log in the user. You can use any JAAS LoginModule you want.
#  The default class is org.apache.wiki.auth.login.UserDatabaseLoginModule,
#  which compares the supplied username and hashed password with the values stored
#  in the configured UserDatabase (see USER DATABASE below).
#  Supply the JAAS LoginModule class used for custom authentication here.
#  The implementation MUST have a zero-argument constructor (as noted in the
#  javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule Javadocs).
jspwiki.loginModule.class = org.apache.wiki.auth.login.UserDatabaseLoginModule

JAAS Login Context#

# JAAS LoginContext parameters used to initialize the LoginModule. Note that 'param1'
#  etc. should be replaced with the actual parameter names. The parameter names and
# values will be loaded to a Map and passed to the LoginModule as the 'options' parameter
# when its initialize() method is called. The default UserDatabaseLoginModule class does
# not need any options.
#jspwiki.loginModule.options.param1 = value1
#jspwiki.loginModule.options.param2 = value2

Login Throttling#

# Login Throttling - Whether logins should be throttled to limit bruce-force attempts.


Cookie Authentication & Assertion#

#  Cookie authentication & assertion
#  If this value is set to "true", then JSPWiki will allow you to "assert" an
#  identity using a cookie.  It's still considered to be unsafe, just like no
#  login at all, but it is useful when you have no need to force everyone to login.
#  By default, this is on.

Cookie Authentication#

#  If you would like to keep your users logged in for weeks at a time, you can
#  turn on "cookie authentication" feature.  However, this comes with important
#  security caveats:
#  1) User will stay logged in into your system for weeks.  This means that if
#     someone manages to nab the cookie during this time, they can pretend to
#     be that user.
#  2) The mappings between cookies and users are written in your filesystem,
#     in $jspwiki.workDir/logincookies.  Access to this directory means that
#     the ability to fake anyone in the wiki, so please make sure that only
#     the proper admin has read access to this directory.
#  By default, cookie authentication is off.

Cookie Authentication Expiry#

#  Defines how many days the cookies are kept, and how often the people have to log in.  
#  The default is two weeks, i.e. 14 days.  If you need a shorter period than one day,
#  turn off cookie authentication, then tweak your web.xml to allow for longer sessions.


#  For authorization, JSPWiki has a two-tier system. When we want to
#  determine whether a user has permission to perform a certain action,
#  we first consult (A) an external "authorizer" to determine if the user
#  is a member of the required role. In addition to checking its external
#  authorizer, it also checks (B) its GroupManager for wiki-managed groups.

External Authorization#

#  By default, JSPWiki uses the servlet container's authorization service
#  for to check what roles the user belongs to (that is, it calls
#  HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String)). After the user authenticates,
#  the default Authorizer (WebContainerAuthorizer) checks to see if the user
#  belongs to the roles listed in web.xml using <security-role>/<role-name> or
#  <auth-constraint>/<role-name> elements. However, you can use another
#  Authorizer if you wish; specify that class here.

jspwiki.authorizer = org.apache.wiki.auth.authorize.WebContainerAuthorizer


#  As an additional source of authorization, users can belong to discretionary
#  "wiki groups" that the users manage themselves. Wiki groups are stored in a
#  GroupDatabase. The default group database uses an XML file for persistent
#  storage. Override with your own GroupDatabase implementation with this property:

jspwiki.groupdatabase = org.apache.wiki.auth.authorize.XMLGroupDatabase

#  The default group database implementation stores member lists
#  in an XML file. The location of this file should be in a secure directory
#  in the filesystem; for example, in /etc or your servlet container's
#  configuration directory If you do not supply a value for this property,
#  a blank group database will be initialized in the WEB-INF/ directory of the
#  deployed webapp. Since these directories are often overwritten when webapps
#  are undeployed or redeployed, you should probably set this property to
#  something useful as soon as you can. But for test wikis, it's probably
#  ok to leave this un-set, as long as users know that their groups could
#  "disappear" if the wiki app is ever redeployed.

#jspwiki.xmlGroupDatabaseFile = /etc/tomcat/groupdatabase.xml


#  User's wiki profiles are stored in a UserDatabase. The default user database
#  uses an XML file for persistent storage.
#  Override with your own UserDatabase implementation with this property:

jspwiki.userdatabase = org.apache.wiki.auth.user.XMLUserDatabase

#  The default user database implementation stores usernames and passwords
#  in an XML file. Passwords are SHA-1 hashed. The location of this file
#  should be in a secure directory in the filesystem; for example, in
#  /etc or your servlet container's configuration directory.
#  If you do not supply a value for this property, a blank user database
#  will be initialized in the WEB-INF/ directory of the deployed webapp.
#  Since these directories are often overwritten when webapps are
#  undeployed or redeployed, you should probably set this property to
#  something useful as soon as you can. But for test wikis, it's probably
#  ok to leave this un-set, as long as users know that their profiles could
#  "disappear" if the wiki app is ever redeployed.

#jspwiki.xmlUserDatabaseFile = /etc/tomcat/userdatabase.xml

# You can also use a JDBC database for storing user profiles,  
# to be configured below in the JDBC section. See the online
# AuthenticationAndAuthorization2.3 docs and the JavaDoc for
# the JDBCUserDatabase class for details on how to configure it.

#jspwiki.userdatabase = org.apache.wiki.auth.user.JDBCUserDatabase

#  If your JSPWiki user database shares login information with your
#  web container's authentication realm, you can configure JSPWiki to
#  add container users. At present, this only works with JDBCUserDatabase,
#  and only if you've configured your web container to use a database
#  with compatible columns and tables. If you don't know what this means,
#  then leave this property set to FALSE (the default).

#jspwiki.userdatabase.isSharedWithContainer = false

Access Control Lists#

#  Last but not least, JSPWiki needs a way of reading and persisting page
#  access control lists. The default implementation reads these from the page
#  markup. For example: "[{ALLOW edit Charlie}]". If using a custom
#  ACL manager, specify the AclManager implementation class here:

jspwiki.aclManager = org.apache.wiki.auth.acl.DefaultAclManager

# InterWiki links
# The %s is replaced with the page reference (specify
# multiple times to get multiple references).  Page references should
# appear in format : [wiki:wikipage].
# This is the JSPWiki home.  In future, JSPWiki will probably rely on this
# for error messages, so I don't recommend that you change it.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.JSPWiki = http://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=%s

# Here's how you can have directly links to the JSPWiki editor.
# Now you can put a hyperlink for editing "MainPage" by making
# a link [Edit:MainPage].
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Edit = Edit.jsp?page=%s

#  This is the original WikiWikiWeb
jspwiki.interWikiRef.WikiWikiWeb = http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?%s

#  TWiki, a very nice WikiClone.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.TWiki = http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/%s

#  MeatballWiki, which seems to be quite popular.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.MeatballWiki = http://usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?%s

#  Wikipedia, a Wiki encyclopedia!
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Wikipedia = http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/%s

#  Google, the ubiquitous search engine.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Google = http://www.google.com/search?q=%s

#  JSPWiki documentation (for this release)
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Doc = http://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=%s

Inlined Image Types#

# Define which image types are inlined.
# These are your standard glob expressions (just like in your
# Windows or UNIX shells).  Default pattern is to include all PNG
# images.  If you specify something here, you will override the default.
# Don't forget to increase the number after the dot - duplicate entries
# cause problems!
# For example:
#   Inline all JPG files, PNG files and all files from images.com:
#      jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.1 = *.jpg
#      jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.2 = *.png
#      jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.3 = http://images.com/*

RSS Configuration#

#  Determine how the RSS (Rich Site Summary) file generation should work.
#  RSS is a standard pioneered by Netscape, which allows you to join your
#  Wiki with a huge number of different news services around the world.
#  Try a Google search on RSS and see what you can do with it.
#  All of these settings were added in JSPWiki 1.7.6.
#  Note that jspwiki.baseURL MUST BE DEFINED if you want to enable RSS!
#  Determine if the RSS file should be generated at all.  Allowed values
#  are "true" and "false".  Default is "false".
jspwiki.rss.generate = false

#  Determine the name of the RSS file. This path is relative to your
#  Wiki root.  Default is "rss.rdf"
jspwiki.rss.fileName = rss.rdf

#  Determine the refresh interval (ie. how often the RSS file is regenerated.
#  It is not recommended to make this too often, or you'll choke your server.
#  Anything above five minutes is probably okay.  The default value is one hour.
#  The value should be in seconds.
jspwiki.rss.interval = 3600

#  The text you want to be shown as your "channel description" when someone
#  subscribes to it.  You can be quite verbose here, up to 500 characters or
#  so.  You can continue to a new line by adding a backslash to the end of the
#  line.  Default is to have no description.
jspwiki.rss.channelDescription = Oh poor me, my owner has not set \
                                 a channel description at all. \
                                 Pity me.

#  The language of your Wiki.  This is a standard, two-letter language
#  code, or in case of some languages, two letters for the country,
#  a dash, and two letters for the dialect.
jspwiki.rss.channelLanguage = en-us

JDBC Configuration#

#  JDBC Configuration. Provides JDBC connectivity info and  
#  tells JSPWiki which tables and columns to map to for the
#  JDBCUserDatabase and JDBCGroupDatabase. For more info, see the
#  JavaDoc for classes org.apache.wiki.auth.user.JDBCUserDatabase and
#  org.apache.wiki.auth.authorize.JDBCGroupDatabase.



JavaMail Configuration#

#  JavaMail configuration. If you wish to allow your users to recover
#  their passwords via email, you should configure these properties.
#  JavaMail can use either a container-managed JNDI resource factory
#  (recommended, and the default), or a stand-alone factory whose properties
#  are configured with mail.* properties in this file (below).

#  A. Configure the address from which the email appears to come.
#     If you're going to use a mail session obtained via JNDI, this setting
#     will only be used if it hasn't already been configured in the obtained
#     session itself. If you comment it out, JSPWiki will use its internal
#     default value.
#     If you're going to use a stand-alone mail session, you will surely want
#     to configure it, otherwise the internal default value will be used.
mail.from = JSPWiki <JSPWiki@localhost>

#  B. JNDI Resource Factory Configuration. JSPWiki will try this first.
#     You will need to configure your container to provide a JavaMail
#     resource factory. See your container documentation, or check our
#     fairly complete documentation (with examples for Tomcat) in
#     the JavaDocs for org.apache.wiki.util.MailUtil.
#  JNDI resource name. The commented-out value is the default.
#jspwiki.mail.jndiname = mail/Session

#  C. Stand-alone Resource Factory. JSPWiki will use these values if JNDI fails.
#  Your SMTP host (i.e. the one which sends email)
mail.smtp.host =

# If for some reason the standard smtp port (25) is blocked, you can change it here
mail.smtp.port = 25

# Set what the user sees in the "from" line of the email
#mail.from = JSPWiki <JSPWiki@localhost>

# If you are using a webserver that is publicly accessible it usually
# doesn't allow you to send mail anonymously
# (because then this mailserver would become an open relay).
# Therefore you can indicate your account information here...
#mail.smtp.account =  your.email@email.com
#mail.smtp.password = yourEmailPassword

# The properties below control connection timeouts and TLS (encryption)
# if the mailserver supports it. The commented-out values are the defaults.
#mail.smtp.timeout = 5000
#mail.smtp.connectiontimeout = 5000
#mail.smtp.starttls.enable = true

Log Configuration#

#  Configure logs.  See log4j documentation for more information
#  on how you can configure the logs.
#  By default we load the log4j config statements from this file (see below), unless
#  the property jspwiki.use.external.logconfig=true, in that case we let log4j figure out the
#  logging configuration to use.
jspwiki.use.external.logconfig = false
#  Log4j is available at http://log4j.apache.org
#  WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON: If you turn on DEBUG logging, be aware
#  that some security-sensitive information will be logged (such as session IDs).
#  Please be careful.
#  Send mail to root on all problems containing warnings.
#log4j.appender.mail = org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppender
#log4j.appender.mail.Threshold = WARN
#log4j.appender.mail.To = root@localhost
#log4j.appender.mail.From = JSPWiki@localhost
#log4j.appender.mail.Subject = Problem with JSPWiki!
#log4j.appender.mail.SMTPHost = mail
#log4j.appender.mail.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.mail.layout.ConversionPattern =%d [%t] %p %c %x - %m%n

#  Log everything into a file, roll it over every 10 MB, keep
#  only 14 latest ones.
log4j.appender.FileLog = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxFileSize    = 10MB
log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxBackupIndex = 14
log4j.appender.FileLog.File = jspwiki.log
log4j.appender.FileLog.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.FileLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %p %c %x - %m%n

# If you want to use some other logging system (such as JBoss, which uses
# log4j already, comment this line out.  If you just don't want any logs
# at all, you can set it to be empty.  However, I suggest that you do
# at least to a level of WARN.

# Enable if you're using mailing, above.

# Uncomment these lines if you want to see detailed security event logging.
# The logging levels are as follows:
#  ERROR: login errors (other than failed/expired logins)
#  WARN:  access denied, failed login (account expired, password/credential expired)
#  INFO:  login, logout
#  DEBUG: add/remove group, add/remove group member, clear groups/group members, access allowed
#log4j.logger.SecurityLog=INFO, SecurityAppender
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.MaxFileSize    = 10MB
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.MaxBackupIndex = 14
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.File = security.log
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p - %m%n

#  Uncomment these lines if you wish to receive detailed spam
#  filter logging.
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.MaxFileSize = 10MB
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.MaxBackupIndex = 14
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.File = spamlog.log
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %m%n

Workflow Configuration#

# Workflow configuration
# The following properties map specific workflow steps to their associated approvers
# The name of the workflow or decision is the part of the key after "jspwiki.approver.".
# This is a logical name JSPWiki uses to determine which Principal to consult for approval.
# The Principal is identified up by AuthorizationManager at runtime; it looks for a Principal
# match as follows: GroupPrincipals; Roles; WikiPrincipals/other principals. Thus, if a value
# of "Admin" is supplied JSPWiki will first check the GroupManager to see if group Admin exits;
# then the container roles, if any; then, user Principals. If the value is blank or the
# property is commented out, it means that the workflow does not require approval.
# Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group (or Admin user, if a group is not found)
# to approve wiki pages after saving.

# Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group to approve new user profiles

Default Template Properties#

# Default Template properties
# Set the name of the skin.
# Default value is PlainVanilla
jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.skinname =PlainVanilla

# Set the format of dates
jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.dateformat =dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm

# Set the timezone of the display date/times
# By default, the timezone is read from the server
# jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.timezone =GMT+01:00

# Set position of the favorites menu (aka left menu)
# The value determines the css-class used to change the position of the #favorites block
# Possible values: fav-left or fav-right
# Default value is fav-left
jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.orientation =fav-left

# Set editor type : plain, WikiWizard, FCK
jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.editor =plain

# Set section editing on/off : allow editing of page sections
# Note: currently this is only compatible with the plain editor
#jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.sectionediting =on


Default Language#

# Set the language
# By default, the language is read from the client browser http request
# jspwiki.defaultprefs.template.language =en


# List of selectable timeformats
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.06=EEE, dd/MM/yyyy
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.07=EEE, dd/MM/yyyy, Z
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.08=EEE, dd/MM/yyyy, zzzz
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.09=d/MM/yy HH:mm
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.10=d/MM/yy hh:mm a
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.11=d/MM/yy hh:mm a, Z
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.15=EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.16=EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy, Z
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.17=EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy, zzzz
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.18=dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.19=dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm a
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.20=dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm a, Z
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.21=MMMM dd, yyyy
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.22=MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.23=MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm a
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.24=MMMM, EEE dd,yyyy hh:mm a
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.25=MMMM, EEEE dd,yyyy hh:mm a
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.27=dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.28=dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm zz
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.29=EEEE, dd.MM.yyyy
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.30=EE, dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm zz
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.31=EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy, HH:mm zz
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.32=yyyy-MM-dd, HH:mm zz
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.33=yyyy-MM-dd, EEEE
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.35=d.M.yyyy H:mm
jspwiki.defaultprefs.timeformat.36=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

### End of configuration file.
