This page (revision-18) was last changed on 23-Aug-2016 10:24 by Dave Koelmeyer 

This page was created on 04-Aug-2016 07:15 by Dave Koelmeyer

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
18 23-Aug-2016 10:24 5 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous Added wishlist item.
17 07-Aug-2016 06:48 5 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
16 07-Aug-2016 06:47 5 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last Added a wishlist item.
15 06-Aug-2016 03:30 5 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
14 05-Aug-2016 14:21 5 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
13 05-Aug-2016 14:20 5 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
12 05-Aug-2016 06:27 4 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
11 05-Aug-2016 06:26 4 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
10 05-Aug-2016 06:25 4 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last Tidy up, added column for JIRA links.
9 05-Aug-2016 06:03 4 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
8 04-Aug-2016 08:04 4 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
7 04-Aug-2016 08:01 4 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
6 04-Aug-2016 08:00 3 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
5 04-Aug-2016 07:58 3 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
4 04-Aug-2016 07:53 3 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
3 04-Aug-2016 07:39 2 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
2 04-Aug-2016 07:27 2 KB Dave Koelmeyer to previous | to last
1 04-Aug-2016 07:15 714 bytes Dave Koelmeyer to last

Difference between version and

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At line 28 changed one line
| Detailed documentation for popular application servers. | | [source|] and [source|] | | Documentation I am sure most likely exists (GlassFish/Payara is a notable exception and on the to-do list), but consolidating and checking for consistency/clarity wouldn't hurt.
| Detailed documentation for popular application servers. | | [source|] and [source|] | | ''Documentation I am sure most likely exists (GlassFish/Payara is a notable exception and on the to-do list), but consolidating and checking for consistency/clarity wouldn't hurt. —Dave Koelmeyer, 2016-08-05T14:21:16.458Z''\\
At line 33 added one line
| Bulk attachment deletion | | | [] |
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At line 39 changed one line
For starters there is an existing page for this at [], however, the information there is out of date. There could be some useful information all the same for a basic feature summarised feature comparison for the purposes of marketing in an easily-digestible format.\\
For starters there is an existing page for this at [], however, the information there is out of date. There could be some useful information all the same for a basic feature summarised feature comparison for the purposes of marketing in an easily-digestible format. (''I've sent the website owner there an email asking if the details can be updated, and happy to provide this is needed —Dave Koelmeyer, 2016-08-06T03:24:26.819Z'')\\