

Standard ordered lists generate Arabic-numbered nested results. In addition, if you want blank lines or other inserted stuff in the outline, you lose the numbering, e.g.:
  1. top-level item
    1. second level
    2. another 2nd-level entry
    1. I'd like this to be numbered "3".

This plugin generates standard-form outlines with Roman/Letter/number formatting. It also allows numbering to continue across lines which aren't participating in the outline, e.g.:

I. Here's a top-level heading
    A. second level
    B. another 2nd-level entry

    C. I'd like this to be numbered "3" (or "C" in this case).
        1. level 3
            a. level 4
                i. level 5


  1. Copy Outline.java into your wiki source directory. Alternately, copy Outline.jar into WEB-INF/lib (or a configured directory of your choice).
  2. Optionally, add the Outline package (org.apache.wiki.plugin) to the the jspwiki.plugin.searchPath package list in WEB-INF/jspwiki.properties.
  3. Restart the wiki web-app (or restart Tomcat).


Simple Example#


# Here's a main topic of interest. Note blank line after the opening tag.
## It has some subtopics
### Levels can be nested
#### Up to 5 levels deep.
#### Numbering should work as you expect for this kind of thing.
### Here's another level 3 heading
# And here's another main topic of interest
## It has subtopics as well
### ...and they have subtopics.
#### when will it stop?


I. Here's a main topic of interest Note blank line after the opening tag.
A. It has some subtopics
1. Levels can be nested
a. Up to 5 levels deep.
b. Numbering should work as you expect for this kind of thing.
2. Here's another level 3 heading
II. And here's another main topic of interest
A. It has subtopics as well
1. ...and they have subtopics.
a. when will it stop?

Messy Example#


# your outline goes one blank line after the opening plugin tag. The blank line is ''not'' optional.
## use normal hash-mark formatting; the number of hashes is the outline level.
lines without hash-marks are processed like any other JSPWiki text; they don't affect the 
outline numbering. If you want blank lines, though, you have to ask for them with "~\\".
The preceding line should be blank. Note outline continuation:
## this will be a second-level heading numbered "B.".
# This will be numbered "II."
### This will be numbered "1.", and no "A." will be inserted.
--> Don't forget to close your "Outline" plugin as shown above.
The text above renders as follows:

I. your outline goes one blank line after the opening plugin tag. The blank line is not optional.
A. use normal hash-mark formatting; the number of hashes is the outline level.
lines without hash-marks are processed like any other JSPWiki text; they don't affect the outline numbering. If you want blank lines, though, you have to ask for them with "\\".

The preceding line should be blank. Note outline continuation: B. this will be a second-level heading numbered "B.".
II. This will be numbered "II."
1. This will be numbered "1.", and no "A." will be inserted.


Suggestions for further development#

This plugin was based off the old Wiki, but I updated the imports and tested the plugin on the newest Wiki and it worked fine.
The original plugin can be found here.

--rveach, 02-Feb-2014 22:40

Cool to see someone's still using this. Thanks for the port.

--Jerry Andrews, 09-Apr-2014 01:04


Added .jar file compiled with java 1.8.0_60, for convenience.

--Jerry Andrews, 04-Dec-2015 17:03
