Image is a JSPWikiPluginBcc195432.431-43331.431.4ec88.19809.2Bxss.meEsiInclude src=HttpBxss.meRpb.png that gives you finer control over the layout of images than just the simple in-lining of images.
[{Image src='Image/test.png' caption='Testing Image' style='font-size: 120%; color: green;'}]
Shows the attachment Image/test.png with the caption Testing Image underneath it. The text is 120% in height and will be rendered in green color.
[{Image src='' link=''}]
Shows the Yahoo online / offline graphic and creates a link to Yahoo send message
The Image plugin can do thumbnail links if you're willing to create the thumbnail images yourself, using the link attribute, e.g.,
[{Image src='images/ref/image_thumb.png' link='images/ref/image.png'}]When you click on the image thumbnail the full size image will be displayed.
It's also good practice to include alternate text using the 'alt' attribute (actually, this is a validation requirement in XHTML).
See: JSPWikiCorePlugins