Brian Burch

I am a self-employed networking consultant. I live in the UK, but also work in Australia for some of the time each year.

I have been running jspWiki 2.8.4 under apache tomcat 7.0.42 for several years, on an ubuntu linux server. I have recently upgraded to jspwiki 2.10.

I use apachedDS as the authentication and authorisation LDAP directory with my own custom schema extension for tomcat role definition.

I am one of the few remaining developers of a nearly inactive sourceforge project called ginp, which is a pure java jsp-based webapp for management of photo collections. I felt it was deficient in terms of supporting annotations to folders and individual images, so I wrote the jspWiki PhotoCollectionPlugin. I felt this was a better approach because it allowed me to leverage the features of jspWiki - I felt the alternative of adding new features to ginp was unproductive.

I hope my plugin is useful. Please help me to improve it if you can!

Brian Burch

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Brian Burch